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Why Major Dissident Figures Now Back Trump

Why Major Dissident Figures Now Back Trump


There are two major camps in this election, and left and right have little to do with it.

Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump Holds Rally In Glendale, Arizona

Why are Democrats Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard backing Donald Trump?

For the same reason that the right-leaning figures J.D. Vance, Vivek Ramaswamy, Tucker Carlson, and even a group like the Libertarian Party are: They are all dissidents, something that in this moment goes beyond mere left and right.

But who, or what, are they dissenting from?

In the 2024 presidential election, you have the clear establishment choice in Democrat Kamala Harris.

Let me be clear what I mean by “establishment”: Those who control the narratives and parameters of the Democratic mainstream, who dominate and manipulate legacy media for their own gain, and who ensure that permanent war, central planning, corporatism, and identity politics will continue to define their party. The people who gave us the Clintons, the Obamas, and the Bidens, and who ward off any dissidents to their left, whether it was Bernie Sanders in 2016 or Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and pro-Palestinian voices today. This establishment is also bipartisan, in that it now includes so many of the Bush-Cheney era Republicans, who see a better neoconservative future—their forever non-negotiable reason for existence—in Kamala Harris than they do her Republican opponent.

They will spy on citizens, censor speech, weaponize government, and demolish any democratic or constitutional norms to retain power.

This establishment doesn’t control the Deep State; they are the Deep State.

In this election, it is also clear that the dissident candidate, or major disrupter, is Donald Trump. You don’t have to like or agree with everything he has said or done to recognize that since the moment he descended down that escalator nearly a decade ago, Trump has completely turned American politics on its head.

If the Republican establishment’s presidential game plan was once to run George W. Bush–style candidates for eternity, as John McCain in 2008 and Mitt Romney in 2012 certainly seemed to indicate, Trump demolished that business model in 2016, blasting the Iraq war that had become so central to Republican identity—something would-be frontrunner Jeb Bush himself had to endure. Many neoconservatives backed the Democrat Hillary Clinton that year just as they support Harris now, banished from a party they once considered their birthright. The few remaining, like Liz Cheney or Adam Kinzinger, challenged Trump head-on, lost their congressional seats, and became de facto Democrats. Some even attempted a last-ditch effort at a neocon coup through the former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley. This failed embarrassingly.

Now, the old Republican establishment and current Democratic establishment are essentially one, and Kamala Harris is their champion. 

They have ten weeks to prevail.

Trump is flawed, and that’s being generous. But he is also the greatest threat to the bipartisan, entrenched establishment of this country.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. tried to run as a Democrat this election, but his party refused him. When he was getting poll numbers north of 20 percent, they still refused to hold a primary. Kennedy went Independent and got the astronomical number of petition signers required to be on state ballots. So Democrats sued him. Before dropping out of the race, he asked to speak with Trump and Harris. Harris refused.

He was the most high profile non–White House Democrat running; he exposed in real time how deeply undemocratic his party is. As a liberal of old, his antiwar views and free speech concerns ran counter to the current neocon-tinged and increasingly authoritarian Democratic Party.

So much so that those old liberal views—stances that would have been typical of most anti-Bush Democrats 20 years ago—now puts Kennedy on the right. Many conventional Democrats today will tell you that they see him as a right-winger, even before he aligned with Trump.

And on those issues and others, that he said he discussed with Trump and said that they agree, Kennedy now takes a stance with Trump against an establishment that wants nothing to do with him and his traditional liberalism.

The same is true of the former Democratic Representative Tulsi Gabbard. In 2016, Gabbard was the vice chair of the Democratic National Committee, who resigned her post to back then dissident Democratic presidential candidate, who, according to former DNC Chair Donna Brazile, had the primary rigged against him by the eventual nominee Hillary Clinton. Gabbard would run for the Democratic presidential nomination herself in 2020 on war and peace issues, where she decimated fellow candidate Kamala Harris on her controversial record as California’s attorney general. Harris left that race soon after.

Another liberal of old, her anti-interventionist and pro-civil liberties views have made Gabbard a mainstay in conservative and independent media. After endorsing Trump in late August, she said, “I believe his first task will be to walk us back from the brink of war,” referring to the tense, U.S.-fueled conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

“We can’t live free as long as we have a government that is retaliating against its political opponents, that is undermining our civil liberties, weaponizing our very institutions against those they deem as a threat,” Gabbard said in her endorsement. “We as Americans must stand together to reject this anti-freedom culture of political retaliation and abuse of power.”

She’s right. Trump abused his power, too, while in office. But it was nothing like the great institutional power the Democrats now wield and deploy at whim with no accountability or repercussions.

Before her endorsement of Trump, it was reported that Gabbard had been put on a TSA watchlist.

Like Kennedy, Gabbard understands the real threat to democracy is the party constantly warning about threats to democracy. Other left dissidents in this election like the Green Party’s Jill Stein and the independent candidate Cornel West are not endorsing Trump, but do have sympathy with Kennedy and Gabbard in their critiques of the current regime.

The number of high profile dissidents backing Trump span the ideological spectrum, both Left to right, but also within just the right. Trump’s vice presidential choice, Senator J.D. Vance, represents the national conservative wing of the GOP, while the former candidate and “America First” advocate Vivek Ramaswamy and the Libertarian Party itself, which has coordinated with Trump’s campaign, cover the more libertarian bases. Trump, Kennedy and Ramaswamy all even spoke at the 2024 Libertarian National Convention.

Arguably Trump’s greatest non-politician ally is also the greatest dissident voice on the contemporary Right and even more so after getting kicked off Fox News, the pundit Tucker Carlson.

What these figures represent under the rubric of Trump is not undying loyalty to the man, and most of them have been clear on that front. In his endorsement, Kennedy said he may even “furiously” disagree with Trump publicly during the span of this election.

But each seems to understand the importance of a dissident coalition that might match and thwart the institutional power of the Democratic party and the threat it has become to peace and our most basic liberties. Democrats like RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard are supporting the Republican presidential nominee this year because they see the real problem of limitless power held by those in power, something far beyond the mere categories of Republican and Democrat.

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As of this writing, Kamala Harris has done only a single soft interview with CNN, but every pro-Trump figure I have mentioned here has done many, sounding the alarm.

They now dissent in the most impactful way possible from a wholly undemocratic regime that unironically calls itself Democratic, that seeks to undermine and upheave America as we have known it.

What American wants that?

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Bukele’s Lesson on the ‘Great Man Theory’ of History

Bukele’s Lesson on the ‘Great Man Theory’ of History

Foreign Affairs

On crime, Bukele took on the blob and won. 

Nayib Bukele Takes Office For A Second Consecutive Term In El Salvador

The most important sentence in the Nayib Bukele profile and interview in TIME magazine is a simple question to the interviewer: “How can I ask the Salvadoran people, who often have modest meals like beans and tortillas for dinner, to pay taxes to provide meat and chicken to prisoners who have killed their family members?” 

Walk the streets and ask around if this sentiment makes sense. If you pay taxes, do you think the money should go to the benefit of those who are, legally and morally, inferior to you? The question itself is absurd, but the modern liberal worldview does not allow such stark hierarchy. Are citizens better than illegal aliens? Are normal law-abiding people better than those who break laws? Do they all deserve the same treatment, under the vague and increasingly unjust umbrella of “human rights,” just because they share the happy accident of a genetic and chromosomal similarity with a fellow ape?

These are not hypotheticals. The postwar world is more than anything defined by the vague superstructure of the human rights complex. Its organs are above democratic mandates. They are also above politics itself. Wars don’t end as they used to, because wars are not fought as they were prior to the Second World War. Wars that end—Grozny, Sri Lanka—don’t follow postwar norms of conduct. States that disregard human rights and NGOs deter mass migration, as evident recently by Saudi Arabia going as far as shooting illegals instead of inviting them. The difference is most stark in the realm of crime and disorder. 

In Bukele’s case, it is a positive change for El Salvador. As the TIME reported, 

At 43, he has remade a nation that was once the world’s murder capital, turning it into a country safer than Canada, according to Salvadoran government data. Bukele’s policy of mano dura—iron fist—drove an aggressive crackdown on vicious gangs that has jailed 81,000 people and led to a precipitous drop in homicides. After decades of violence, fear, and extortion, citizens can move freely in former gang-controlled “red zones,” lounge in parks, and go out at night. El Salvador now markets itself as the “land of surf, volcanoes, and coffee,” hosts international events like the Miss Universe pageant, and draws tourists and cryptocurrency enthusiasts to coastal enclaves like “Bitcoin Beach.” The transformation helped Bukele cruise to re-election earlier this year; his approval rating these days tops 90% according to the latest CID Gallup poll.

And for that, he was duly chastised by the U.S. government, with Kamala Harris tweeting, “We have deep concerns about El Salvador’s democracy.” Bukele ignored all that, and fought the drug cartels and criminals in a manner similar to a prewar, pre-NGOcracy world. As Bukele’s security minister himself mentioned, his administration kicked out the NGOs and then “studied the enemy, like in any war,” with handbooks cataloging gang tattoos, graffiti, and slang to identify suspects’ affiliations. “There are many priests…but few are exorcists.” 

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These are not new, perception-altering philosophical insights. Bukele explains his “philosopher king” outlook about the greater ethics of punitive deterrence: “We don’t put them in jail to punish them. We put them in jail to get them off the street. They can’t be on the streets. They cannot be in the community besieging their neighbors. We catch them and remove them from society by putting them in a cell.”

A very simple logic. George Savile, the First Marquess of Halifax, would have agreed: “Men are not hanged for stealing horses, but that horses may not be stolen.” The restoration of order by a legitimate leader isn’t “authoritarian”; it is in fact the most basic function of statesmanship that would have been recognized by anyone in the preceding 6,000 years of human governance and history. One reason among others why we have a crisis of legitimacy and the longing for strongmen in our times is that men have forgotten that basic governing norm because liberals have convinced themselves they are not bound by the laws of nature and that history itself has ended. They have convinced themselves that arbitrarily defined “rights” on the basis of shared humanity trump governing compacts or peace. 

To Bukele’s credit, he is bringing the “great man theory” of history back by exercising his agency and standing opposed to structural unaccountable forces. 

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“Understanding Maduro’s Controversial Leadership in Venezuela”


Picture this: a divided nation, on the brink of economic collapse, with numerous human rights abuses and accusations of corruption swirling around its leader, President Nicolás Maduro. This is the current state of affairs in Venezuela, a country that has been mired in controversy under Maduro’s leadership.

Maduro, who took office in 2013 following the death of his predecessor, Hugo Chávez, has been a highly polarizing figure both domestically and internationally. Supporters praise his socialist policies as a continuation of the revolutionary legacy of Chávez, while critics condemn his government for its suppression of political dissent and mismanagement of the economy.

One of the key subtopics to consider when discussing Maduro’s leadership is the economic crisis that has gripped Venezuela. Inflation has soared to unprecedented levels, causing the value of the country’s currency, the bolívar, to plummet. Basic goods have become scarce, leading to widespread shortages and long lines at grocery stores. The government’s attempts to control prices and regulate the economy have only exacerbated the crisis, leading to further hardship for the Venezuelan people.

Another important aspect of Maduro’s leadership is the erosion of democratic institutions in Venezuela. Many critics argue that Maduro has consolidated power in the executive branch, marginalizing the opposition and limiting freedom of speech. The government’s crackdown on protests and dissenting voices has drawn international condemnation, with human rights organizations accusing Maduro of violating the rights of his own citizens.

In addition to these challenges, Maduro’s government has also faced allegations of corruption and links to organized crime. Several high-ranking officials within the Venezuelan government have been implicated in money laundering schemes and drug trafficking operations, further undermining public trust in the administration.

Despite these criticisms and controversies, Maduro remains in power, steadfastly refusing to step down or engage in meaningful dialogue with the opposition. As Venezuela continues to grapple with its political and economic woes, the future of the country remains uncertain.

In conclusion, understanding Maduro’s controversial leadership in Venezuela requires a careful examination of the complex factors at play. From the economic crisis to the erosion of democratic institutions and allegations of corruption, Maduro’s presidency has been marked by turmoil and upheaval. Only time will tell what the ultimate fate of Venezuela will be under his rule.

Juicy Chicken Breasts Baked from Frozen


Imagine this: it’s 6pm on a weeknight, you’re hungry, and you realize you forgot to thaw the chicken breasts for dinner. Sound familiar? Don’t panic! You can still enjoy juicy, flavorful chicken breasts by baking them straight from the freezer.

Baking frozen chicken breasts may seem like a daunting task, but with the right techniques, you can achieve delicious results in no time. The key is to properly season and prepare the chicken before baking to ensure it stays moist and tender.

One important tip is to preheat your oven to a high temperature, around 400-425°F, to help cook the chicken quickly and seal in the juices. Season the chicken with your favorite spices, herbs, or marinade to enhance the flavor. You can even add a drizzle of olive oil or a splash of chicken broth to keep the chicken moist during baking.

Another essential step is to use a baking dish or tray lined with parchment paper or aluminum foil to prevent the chicken from sticking and make cleaning up a breeze. You can also cover the dish with foil or a lid to create a steamy environment that helps the chicken cook evenly and stay succulent.

Cooking times will vary depending on the thickness of your chicken breasts, but a good rule of thumb is to bake them for 25-30 minutes or until they reach an internal temperature of 165°F. Remember to let the chicken rest for a few minutes before slicing or serving to allow the juices to redistribute and keep the meat juicy.

The beauty of baking frozen chicken breasts is that you can customize them with your favorite seasonings and pair them with a variety of side dishes like roasted vegetables, rice, or salad. It’s a convenient and versatile option for busy weeknights or last-minute meals.

So next time you find yourself with frozen chicken breasts and no time to thaw, don’t fret. Embrace the convenience of baking them straight from the freezer and enjoy a delicious, satisfying meal in no time. Happy cooking!

Kamala Harris Picked Illegal Migrant Who Attacked Woman for Jobs Program While San Francisco District Attorney

Kamala Harris Picked Illegal Migrant Who Attacked Woman for Jobs Program While San Francisco District Attorney

Kamala Harris Picked Illegal Migrant Who Attacked Woman for Jobs Program While San Francisco District Attorney

Vice President Kamala Harris speaks at a Congressional reception in Munich, Germany, on Fe
State Department photo by Ron Przysucha

A report shows that Vice President Kamala Harris selected a migrant in the United States illegally for a jobs program while serving as district attorney of San Francisco.

According to a report from the New York Post, Harris ran a jobs program in San Francisco that allowed illegal migrants arrested for drug offenses to get job training and have their records expunged. As it turned out, one of the people she picked for the program happened to be Alexander Izaguirre, a migrant in the United States illegally from Honduras who “allegedly brutally assaulted a young woman, leaving her with a skull fracture and longterm trauma”:

The DA’s office chose Izaguirre for the program after he was arrested twice in eight months for allegedly snatching a purse and for selling cocaine, the LA Times reported at the time.

In July 2008, while in the “Back on Track” program, Izaguirre committed another crime. According to authorities, he stole the purse of Amanda Kiefer, a San Francisco resident who had been walking with her friend to a restaurant in the Pacific Heights area.

After taking her purse, Izaguirre got into an SUV and attempted to run her down, authorities said. Kiefer got onto the hood of the car and hit the brakes, throwing the 29-year-old into the road and fracturing her skull.

Kiefer’s story later came to the forefront as Kamala Harris ran for California Attorney General. She expressed regret that illegal migrants were permitted into the program.

“The immigration issue, as it relates to the Izaguirre case, obviously is a huge kind of pimple on the face of this program,” Harris told the LA Times. “I don’t mean to trivialize it, nor do I mean to cover it up.”

The program was later changed to require potential workers to show legal documentation. While serving as district attorney of San Francisco, Harris supported sanctuary city policies and even said in 2006, “We are a sanctuary city, a city of refuge, and we always will be.”

Paul Roland Bois directed the award-winning Christian tech thrillerEXEMPLUM, which has a 100% Rotten Tomatoes critic rating and can be viewed for FREE on YouTube or Tubi. “Better than Killers of the Flower Moon,” wrote Mark Judge. “You haven’t seen a story like this before,” wrote Christian Toto. A high-quality, ad-free rental can also be streamed on Google PlayVimeo on Demand, or YouTube Movies. Follow him on X @prolandfilms or Instagram @prolandfilms.

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Biden Claims U.S. ‘Not at War Anywhere in the World’

Biden Claims U.S. ‘Not at War Anywhere in the World’

President Joe Biden claimed that the United States is “not at war anywhere in the world” during his live address on Wednesday evening.

Biden’s speech came after he had announced on Sunday that he was withdrawing from the presidential race, and he endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to be the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee.

During Biden’s speech, he said that while it had been the “honor” of his life to serve as president, he had decided to “pass the torch to a new generation,” and continued to talk about what he would be doing while continuing to serve out the remainder of his term.

Biden went on to claim that the nation is “not at war anywhere in the world.”

“I’ll keep working to ensure America remains strong, and secure, and the leader of the free world, “Biden said. “I’m the first president in this century to report to the American people that the United States is not at war anywhere in the world.”

“We’ll keep rallying the coalition of proud nations to stop Putin from taking over Ukraine, doing more damage,” Biden added. “We’ll keep NATO stronger, and I’ll make it more powerful and united than any time in all of our history. I’ll keep doing the same for our allies in the Pacific.”

Many people responded to Biden’s comments, pointing out how much money the United States government has sent to Ukraine over the ongoing war with Russia.

“UKR/RUS + $175B begs to differ,” Jim Hanson, the president of WorldStrat wrote in a post on X.

“Single handedly funding a war in Ukraine is close enough,” another user wrote.

“We’re in 2 war rights now bro lol,” another person wrote.

In April, the United States Senate approved a $95 billion foreign aid package for Ukraine and Israel. Ukraine received $61 billion, Israel received roughly $26 billion in military aid, and $9 billion went to humanitarian efforts in Gaza.

Vice President Kamala Harris promised to send another $1.5 billion in direct aid to Ukraine in June.

As Breitbart News has reported, since the war between Ukraine and Russia began, the U.S. has sent Ukraine over $3.2 billion in humanitarian aid.

The U.S. has also sent Ukraine almost $1.5 billion in order to assist its energy sector.

The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget released a report in May that found Congress had “approved nearly $175 billion of aid and military assistance to support the Ukrainian government and allied nations two years after Russia launched its invasion.”

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Nancy Pelosi Tears into Netanyahu Speech After Boycotting It

Nancy Pelosi Tears into Netanyahu Speech After Boycotting It

Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) trashed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to a special joint session of Congress on Wednesday, calling it the “worst” speech by any foreign leader to the legislature.

Pelosi boycotted the speech and did not hear it — nor did she see the dozens of standing ovations Netanyahu received from both sides of the aisle. Instead, she issued a statement that was the online equivalent of tearing up the speech.

Benjamin Netanyahu’s presentation in the House Chamber today was by far the worst presentation of any foreign dignitary invited and honored with the privilege of addressing the Congress of the United States.

Many of us who love Israel spent time today listening to Israeli…

— Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) July 24, 2024

Claiming to “love” Israel, Pelosi claimed that Netanyahu’s time would be better spent pursuing a “ceasefire deal” — never mind that Hamas has rejected every deal, and that former hostages and their families accompanied Netanyahu.

Pelosi’s response to Netanyahu contrasted sharply with the warm reception she gave Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky when he addressed Congress.

Slava Ukraini! pic.twitter.com/qFrO25ZocH

— Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) December 22, 2022

She continued to promise Ukraine whatever it needed to achieve “victory.”

In a powerful address, Netanyahu thanked Congress for its support against Hamas terrorists and other Iranian proxies, reminding legislators that “our fight is your fight” and that America had a stake in Israel’s total victory.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). He is the author of “”The Agenda: What Trump Should Do in His First 100 Days,” available for pre-order on Amazon. He is also the author of “The Trumpian Virtues: The Lessons and Legacy of Donald Trump’s Presidency,” now available on Audible. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.

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Report: Obama Doubts Kamala Harris Can Beat Trump, Will Not Endorse Her

Report: Obama Doubts Kamala Harris Can Beat Trump, Will Not Endorse Her

Former President Barack Obama reportedly does not believe that Vice President Kamala Harris can beat former President Donald Trump in the general election and will hold on endorsing her.

On Sunday, President Joe Biden announced his exit from the 2024 race and immediately endorsed Kamala Harris. Speaking with the New York Post, a source close to the Biden family said the outgoing president’s decision to endorse Harris so quickly blindsided Obama.

WATCH — Harris Campaign Adviser on Harris Being Most Liberal Senator: “We Know Who Kamala Harris Is and Was”:

“Obama’s very upset because he knows she can’t win,” the source told the outlet. “Obama knows she’s just incompetent — the border czar who never visited the border, saying that all migrants should have health insurance. She cannot navigate the landmines that are ahead of her.”

“When you are running for president there are things you can and can’t say,” source added.

“Wait until the debate… She can’t debate. She’s going to put her foot in her mouth about Israel, Palestine, Ukraine. She’s going to say something really stupid,” the source said. “Obama knew this was going to happen, Joe knew this was going to happen. Now she is going to have to answer real questions.”

Obama played an instrumental role in getting Joe Biden to drop out, including a blistering op-ed from actor George Clooney in the New York Times that Obama likely approved beforehand. Leaders in the Democratic Party, however, did not expect Biden to endorse Kamala so soon.

WATCH — Kamala Harris Swiftly Grabs Spotlight After Biden’s Exit:

“Obama was shocked,” the source told the NY Post on the moment Biden pushed Harris, adding that Obama grew “furious” to the point that he has refused to endorse Harris.

Another Democrat sourced dismissed it as Barack Obama being upset by a personal slight.

“Obama being surprised by a smart political decision actually makes sense when coupled with his personal inability to see politics beyond his singular, immediate interests,” the source said. “Obama always thinks he is the smartest and coolest guy in the room. He’s friends with George Clooney, after all.”

As Breitbart News reported this week, Harris has been coasting toward the Democratic Party nomination, earning enough delegates to shore up support.

Paul Roland Bois directed the award-winning Christian tech thrillerEXEMPLUM, which has a 100% Rotten Tomatoes critic rating and can be viewed for FREE on YouTube or Tubi. “Better than Killers of the Flower Moon,” wrote Mark Judge. “You haven’t seen a story like this before,” wrote Christian Toto. A high-quality, ad-free rental can also be streamed on Google PlayVimeo on Demand, or YouTube Movies. Follow him on X @prolandfilms or Instagram @prolandfilms.

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US Honors workers with Labor Day holiday   

US Honors workers with Labor Day holiday   

The United States celebrates its annual Labor Day holiday on Monday, officially recognizing the nation’s workers while also marking the unofficial end of summer.

The holiday marks the end of a three-day weekend used by many for final vacations as kids begin a new school year, and for retail stores to hold special sales.

The Transportation Security Administration said it expected to screen 17 million people at the nation’s airports, an increase of 8% from the number of Labor Day travelers last year. Those traveling by car during the holiday period are experiencing average gas prices that are more than 10% lower than the same time last year.

Parades in cities and towns across the country Monday will celebrate the official holiday, which has its roots in an 1882 parade in New York City that included 10,000 workers marching.

The national holiday would not come until 1894 when President Grover Cleveland signed an act enshrining Labor Day on the first Monday in September.

Some of the information in this report came from The Associated Press.

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California lawmakers approve laws banning deepfakes, regulating AI

California lawmakers approve laws banning deepfakes, regulating AI

Sacramento, California — 

California lawmakers approved a host of proposals this week aiming to regulate the artificial intelligence industry, combat deepfakes and protect workers from exploitation by the rapidly evolving technology.

The California Legislature, which is controlled by Democrats, is voting on hundreds of bills during its final week of the session to send to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s desk. Their deadline is Saturday.

The Democratic governor has until Sept. 30 to sign the proposals, veto them or let them become law without his signature. Newsom signaled in July he will sign a proposal to crack down on election deepfakes but has not weighed in on other legislation.

He warned earlier this summer that overregulation could hurt the homegrown industry. In recent years, he often has cited the state’s budget troubles when rejecting legislation that he would otherwise support.

Here is a look at some of the AI bills lawmakers approved this year.

Combating deepfakes

Citing concerns over how AI tools are increasingly being used to trick voters and generate deepfake pornography of minors, California lawmakers approved several bills this week to crack down on the practice.

Lawmakers approved legislation to ban deepfakes related to elections and require large social media platforms to remove the deceptive material 120 days before Election Day and 60 days thereafter. Campaigns also would be required to publicly disclose if they’re running ads with materials altered by AI.

A pair of proposals would make it illegal to use AI tools to create images and videos of child sexual abuse. Current law does not allow district attorneys to go after people who possess or distribute AI-generated child sexual abuse images if they cannot prove the materials are depicting a real person.

Tech companies and social media platforms would be required to provide AI detection tools to users under another proposal.

Setting safety guardrails

California could become the first state in the nation to set sweeping safety measures on large AI models.

The legislation sent by lawmakers to the governor’s desk requires developers to start disclosing what data they use to train their models. The efforts aim to shed more light into how AI models work and prevent future catastrophic disasters.

Another measure would require the state to set safety protocols preventing risks and algorithmic discrimination before agencies could enter any contract involving AI models used to define decisions.

Protecting workers

Inspired by the monthslong Hollywood actors strike last year, lawmakers approved a proposal to protect workers, including voice actors and audiobook performers, from being replaced by their AI-generated clones. The measure mirrors language in the contract the SAG-AFTRA made with studios last December.

State and local agencies would be banned from using AI to replace workers at call centers under one of the proposals.

California also may create penalties for digitally cloning dead people without consent of their estates.

Keeping up with the technology

As corporations increasingly weave AI into Americans’ daily lives, state lawmakers also passed several bills to increase AI literacy.

One proposal would require a state working group to consider incorporating AI skills into math, science, history and social science curriculums. Another would develop guidelines on how schools could use AI in the classrooms.

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